Mechanical Secondaries, Electric Choke, 4150 Series
Brawler diecast carburettors are machined and assembled by craftsman right here in the USA. These carburettors work hard just as their name implies- just raw bare knuckled performance that you can rely on. Don't let the budget-friendly price fool you, the Brawler development focused on the performance you want and not the pretty box that it comes in. Brawlers come with the latest technology in air/fuel calibrations for today's street engine demands. The Brawler family of diecast carburettors are all made from light-weight diecast aluminium components and are available in both vacuum and mechanical secondary models. They offer all the tunability and options that you would find from more expensive carburettors in the market, including a beautiful appearance, electric choke, and four-corner idle adjustment on all mechanical secondary models. Features: Available sizes from 570 to 770 CFM to match your needs. Available in both vacuum and mechanical secondary versions to meet your needs All models have dual inlet fuel bowls with sight glass windows for safe and easy float adjustments All models come with an electric choke for easy starting in colder climates