Advanced Autosports primarily uses AIM data system. Any data system will give you similar information; we have found AIM to be the most beneficial system on the market. We have developed a package of sensors that we feel works best on a Spec Miata. And have included all the necessary cables and adapters into our AIM package. It is recommended that you call when ordering AIM data products to get the best possible service. All products are available separately.
Advanced Autosports AIM package: AIM EVO-4S data system AIM "GS dash" display unit AIM oil pressure sender with pigtail and extension cable AIM water temp sensor and extension cable AIM custom designed Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) for 1.8 Spec Miatas (will not work with 1.6 electronics) AIM brake pressure sensor with ICR banjo bolt adapter and extension cable AIM Optical speed sensor, measures drive shaft speed. With extension cable AIM Lambda/Air-fuel ratio sensor kit AIM data hub expansion module Advanced Autosports mounting plate for optical speed sensor Advanced Autosports oil pressure sender relocation kit Advanced Autosports coolant temp adapter, small Advanced Autosports dash plate for mounting display