Make Teeth Brushing easy with our best sellers
Pet Finger Brush x 2
Double Sided Brush x 2
Wash with warm water after use and allow to fully dry
We know it's difficult to brush Your Pet's Teeth, so start slowly to build up a routine.
Start by introducing the toothpaste only on your finger into your Pet's mouth. Let them taste it.
Gently rub Toothbrush around your Pets mouth & head so they know it won't hurt them.
Say " It's teethtime" make it a fun time - be positive!!
Every day at roughly the same time ( best after food)brush your Pet's Teeth. Even 1 minute is better than nothing. Increase time as you both get more comfortable.
Experiment with Dental Sprays, Seaweed Powder in food, or Dental Water Additive and find what works for you.
Best results are obtained brushing teeth minimum 3x times a week.
Consider buying our Pet Dental Kit that has everything you need for healthy Teeth at home
Happy Brushing